LTC+ – Mental Health and Resiliency Resources for Healthcare Providers, Staff and Leaders
Welcome tothe Long Term Care Plus (LTC+) Mental Health and Resiliency Resources for Healthcare Providers, Staff and Leaders page.
A crowdsourcing initiative entitled “Impacts of COVID-19 on Health Care Workers: Infection Prevention and Control” reported earlier this year that 70% of health care workers stated that their mental health was “somewhat worse now” or “much worse now” compared with before March 2020 (). It has also been reported that over 40% of Canadian physicians are in advanced stages of burnout, nearly 40% of nurses say that they feel a high degree of burnout and 14% of general nurses have tested positive for post traumatic distress disorder.
The resources listed below, while not exhaustive,use varied approaches toassist in providingsupport, guidance and toolsfor individuals, teams,leaders,and educators. These resources are designed for care providers, and it will be noted when they target LTC specifically. All materials in French are marked with an asterix and linked accordingly
Section 1: General Resources for Healthcare Providers
- Mental Health Canada provides external COVID-19 Resources for healthcare providers:
- * from the Canadian Psychological Association provides a list of psychologists who have volunteered to provide services, listed by Provinces. (Available in )
- * provides different fact sheets pertaining to COVID-19 (Available in )
- SafeCare BC presents psychological and emotional wellness tools with topic-based web resources, lists mental health support resources and provides ongoing free webinars. There is also a repository of pre-recorded webinars.
- Fraser Health Authority site provides various tools/checklists and videos to manage stress and anxiety. It also provides province specific immediate emotional supports contacts and counselling supports.
- Hamilton Health Sciences’ presents the resilience framework Pause, Reset, Nourish (PRN) together with the webinar “Surviving the Surge”. There are also numerous other supports and tools.
- Alberta Health Services is offering free online classes for the summer and fall of 2021. The has 5 modules: problem solving, positive activities, managing reactions, helpful thinking, and healthy connections.
- * lists numerous resources; national, provincial and international. It includes a video series “Pathways to Resilience: Strategies for a World in Upheaval” The video is available in .
- *Anxiety Canada has developed a brief resource, that provides education on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and other mental health concerns that could be faced by healthcare workers, staff, and leaders. Each short educational piece contains further resource links. .
- YouTube Videos on Resilience, Burnout, and Self Care:
- )
Section 2:General Resources Designed for Healthcare Leaders and Educators
- Leadership resources are provided at COVID-19: . The materials can be reviewed can be reviewed in French by choosing the Google translation button on the website link above.
- a YouTube source (4 mins) which provides some practical management strategies to assist healthcare workers
- *The Mental Health Commission of Canada has developed a series of virtual course offerings for Managers begin July 12, 2021 and can be located in English at and in French at
- The Manitoba Government has produced a site which provides mental health resources for healthcare workers including videos and slide presentations:
- The Institute for Healthcare Improvement has created resources such as visual graphics that can be posted, videos, a conversation and action guide to help support staff wellbeing and a framework for improving joy at work. You can access using this link: There are also upcoming programs beginning in August.
- The University of Toronto has developed a model for supporting health care workers’ mental health during the COVID-19:
- produced by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, presents evidence-based recommendations to help provide protection and support of staffs’ mental health.
- is designed to assist leaders to learn more about mental health and how to share their support. This site includes “playbook” for leaders, framework, and various other tools.
- Creating a Safe Space: Psychological Safety of Healthcare Workers (Peer to Peer Support and Other Support Models)
- Creating a Safe Space – Section 4: Canadian Best Practice Guidelines for peer to peer support programs
- Creating a Safe Space – Healthcare Worker Support Toolkit
Section 3:Resources Specific to LTC Healthcare Providers & Leaders
- Ontario Centres for Learning, Research & Innovation in Long Term Care has created several videos on YouTube located at , featuring short positive messages from those living in long term care and family members thanking staff for their work and sacrifices.
- provides numerous resources such as tool kits, weblinks for upcoming online sessions, webinar recordings, videos, and references to counselling, self-help, and peer support for use by LTC healthcare providers and leaders.
- Champlain Hospice Palliative Care Program developed this workbook, , to assist in work with individuals and families, and to promote the building of resilience and promoting self-care for long term care providers.
- explains a stress continuum model that can be used to assess personal or staff stress responses. The toolkit also contains further resources for review.
- This resources provides a tool to update LTC operational plans to reflect COVID-19:
- There are numerous tools offered in a variety of subject areas by the Ontario Centres for Learning, Research, and Innovation in Long Term Care (clri-ltc). Links to the tools can be located on their resource page: . These tools again can be used by individual health care workers, leaders, and educators. Examples of the subject areas are:
- Long term care orientation training
- Quality of life for those in long term care centres
- Supporting and engaging families
- Operations Resources
This is a living document – please send through any resources you would like added to the list and shared. Please reach out to the LTC+ team