A group of eight board members, three male and five female all sitting around a table with laptops and a projection screen having a conversation.

Effective Governance for Quality and Patient Safety

A free, eight module, self-directed program to equip healthcare boards and leaders for excellence, focused on safe and high-quality healthcare.

Estimated time to complete: 8 hours
Cost: Free

Already enrolled?

Login to ÈÕ±¾ÎÞÂë's online learning platform to access the course.

Already enrolled?

Login to ÈÕ±¾ÎÞÂë's online learning platform to access the course.

About Effective Governance for Quality and Patient Safety

As stewards of healthcare quality and patient safety journey, governing boards are entrusted with overseeing overall performance. Effective Governance for Quality and Patient Safety is a free, self-directed e-learning course designed to empower healthcare boards and their teams with the knowledge and tools for excellence in healthcare leadership, patient safety and quality improvement.

A group of five board members, two male and three female sitting at a table with laptops all focused on one female who is speaking.

What's in the course


Learn the historical context and current realities of quality and patient safety in Canada – and internationally – and why this background is important to know as a board member.

The Role of the Board

Understand the boards’ accountability and explore their pivotal role in overseeing the quality and safety of care being provided in their organization.

Governance and Leadership Effectiveness

Learn the essential principles of how the board executes its responsibilities in governing healthcare quality and safety.

Quality and Patient Safety Culture

Explore organizational culture as it relates to quality and patient safety and understand the boards' role in creating and fostering a culture of safety throughout the organization.

Cultural Safety

Understand how colonization has impacted the First Nations, Inuit and Métis individuals and communities your organization serves and learn about the importance of supporting and establishing culturally safe practices that build trust, relationships and overall improved patient safety and well-being.

Patient Engagement in Governance for Quality and Safety of Care

Discover the power of involving patients and their care partners in decision-making for improved healthcare outcomes.

Quality Planning, Improvement and Oversight

Dive into the strategies and frameworks for comprehensive quality and safety planning.


Explore the dynamics and importance of internal and external relationships.

Who should enroll

Board members of healthcare organizations across Canada and their leadership teams including:

  • CEOs
  • Executives
  • Other senior leadership
  • Quality and patient safety leads
  • Healthcare administrators
A diverse group of nine individuals standing together in a group smiling for the camera. The group has four males and five females.

A small medical staff team sit around a boardroom table as they meet to discuss and collaborate. They are each dressed professionally and are focused on the meeting.

Why choose the course

Join us on the journey towards effective governance for quality healthcare. Empower yourself and your team to deliver high-quality healthcare with the utmost dedication to patient safety. Together, we can build a safer and more innovative healthcare future for everyone in Canada.


Rethinking Patient Safety Discussion Guide

This discussion guide explores a new approach to patient safety where everyone contributes to safer care, and the vital roles of cultural and psychological safety are emphasized.

Download the resource


Rethinking Patient Safety Discussion Guide

This discussion guide explores a new approach to patient safety where everyone contributes to safer care, and the vital roles of cultural and psychological safety are emphasized.

Download the resource

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