2005 EXTRA Improvement Projects

The EXTRA advisory council, chaired by the former Quebec minister of health and social services Dr. Jean Rochon, met on April 28 and 29, 2005 to evaluate the applications received for the competition. Twenty-six fellowships were awarded, including two additional fellowships to nurse leaders in Ontario, thanks to funding from the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care's Nursing Secretariat.

The 2005 fellows are listed in alphabetical order, and the list includes the title of their intervention projects. These projects provide an opportunity for fellows to actively apply what they have learned in the EXTRA program in response to a specific issue in their home organization.

Carolyn Baker, Vice-President, Clinical Programs, St. Joseph's Health Centre – Ontario
Project: The Impact of the Development and Implementation of a Formal, Evidence Based Program to Support Priority Setting and Resource Allocation on Selected Patient Care and Health Care System Outcomes in an Urban Community Teaching Hospital

Sam Campbell, Director of Continuous Quality Improvement, Department of Emergency Medicine, Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre – Nova Scotia
Project: To Investigate and Correct Obstacles to the Transition of Patients from the Care of Caregivers in the Community to those in Secondary and Tertiary Health Care Institutions

Irma Clapperton, Médecin spécialiste en santé communautaire, Direction de santé publique, Agence de développement de réseaux locaux de services de santé et des services sociaux de Montréal – Québec
Project: Développer un processus systématisé et hiérarchisé de mise en oeuvre des programmes régional et local de santé publique, intégré au projet clinique des CSSS pour assurer l'exercice de la responsabilité populationnelle et l'amélioration de la santé du bien-être de la population de la région de Montréal [Develop a Systematized and Structured Process for Implementing Regional and Local Public Health Plans, Integrated into the CSSS Clinical Project to Ensure the Exercise of Population-Based Responsibility and Improvement of the Health and Well-Being of the Population in the Montreal Area]

Helen Clark, Chief Allied Officer, HSC and Regional Director, Respiratory Therapy, Patient Transport/EMS Liaison, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority and HSC – Manitoba
Project: The Use of Clinical Evidence, Research and Best Practice to Support the Role of Allied Health Professionals in Improving Consistency in Practice, Contributing to Improvements in Length of Stay, and Enhancing Continuity of Care for Patients, Clients and Residents

Wendy Fucile, Vice-President, Clinical Programs and Chief Nursing Officer, Peterborough Regional Health Centre – Ontario
Project: A Critical Examination of the Cost/Benefit of Clinical Nurse Educators in a Community Hospital Setting

Lucie Grenier, Directrice générale adjointe, Affaires cliniques, Centre hospitalier affilié universitaire de Québec – Quebec
Project: Développement de la pratique professionnelle des infirmières dans un contexte de mise en place de réseaux intégrés de services, d'élargissement du champ de pratique des infirmières dans un centre hospitalier universitaire (CHA) à vocation régionale [Development of Professional Nursing Practice in a Context of Implementation of Integrated Services Networks, Expanded Fields of Nursing Practice in a University Hospital with a Regional Role]

Owen Heisler, Medical Director, Department of Medical Affairs, Red Deer Regional Hospital, David Thompson Health Region – Alberta
Project: Implementation of a Region-Wide Breast Cancer Access Program

Kateri Leclair, Directrice, Direction des technologies de réadaptation, Institut de réadaptation de Montréal – Québec
Project: Création d'une unité d'évaluation des technologies de réadaptation pour assister les gestionnaires de l'Institut de réadaptation de Montréal (IRM) à prendre des décisions éclairées d'achat ou d'octroi de technologies [Creation of a Rehabilitation Technology Assessment Unit to Assist Managers at the Institut de Réadaptation de Montréal (IRM) in Making Informed Technology Purchasing or Awarding Decisions]

Noella Leydon, Director, Department of Food & Nutrition Service, Saskatoon Health Region – Saskatchewan
Project: Malnutrition in Continuity of Care: No One's Problem and Everyone's Problem – An Integrated Systematic Approach to Improving Nutritional Outcomes, and Therefore the Quality of Life for Residents of Special Care Homes in the Saskatchewan Health Region (SHR)

Karen MacRury-Sweet, Director, Heart Health and Emergency, Department of Acute Care, Capital District Health Authority – Nova Scotia
Project: Developing a Predictive Model to Improve Patient Flow in a Tertiary Care Setting, with a Focus on Predicting and Responding to Variability in Volumes in the Emergency Department

Benoit Marchessault, Directeur général, Centre de santé et de services sociaux de Sorel-Tracy – Québec
Project: Mise en place d'un réseau intégré de services: Utilisation des données probantes pour la détermination de l'offre de services, principalement à l'égard des clientèles présentant des maladies chroniques [Implementation of an Integrated Services Network: Use of Evidence to Determine the Provision of Services, Primarily for Clients with Chronic Diseases]

Kevin Mercer, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer, Department of Administration, Community Care Access Centre of Waterloo Region – Ontario
Project: Advancing Health System Integration Through the Amalgamation of Community Care Access Centres in LHIN3 in Ontario

Christine Penney, Director, Health Services, Performance Management and Improvement Division, British Columbia Ministry of Health Services – British Columbia
Project: Towards evidenced-based performance assessment methods to measure "timely access to appropiate care in the appropiate setting" for British Columbians

Jacques Ricard, Directeur général adjoint et directeur, Département des affaires médicales, Centre de santé et des services sociaux Haut-Richelieu-Rouville – Québec
Project: Recherche sur les préoccupations des employés et médecins du Centre de santé et des services sociaux Haut-Richelieu-Rouville dans le cadre de la création du réseau local de services [Research on the Concerns of Employees and Physicians at the Haut-Richelieu-Rouville Healthcare and Social Services Centre as Part of Creation of the Local Service Network]

Susan Richardson, Vice-President, Patient Services & Allied Health, Department of Administration, Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario – Ontario
Project: Implementing Leadership Rounds to Improve Quality and Safety

Lise Roy, Vice présidente et PDG Adjointe, Département de planification et évaluation, Régie régionale de la santé 4 – New Brunswick
Project: Une gestion et une culture organisationnelle centrées sur la qualité et la sécurité [Organizational Management and Culture Centred on Quality and Safety]

John Ruetz, Vice-President, Long Term Care & Home Services and Administrator, St. Peter's Residence at Chedoke, St. Peter's Health System – Ontario
Project: Enabling Frontline Participation to Create a Quality Improvement Culture

Angèle Saint-Jacques, Directrice, Direction des soins infirmiers et des services d'hébergement, CHU Sainte-Justine – Québec
Project: Réorganisation stratégique du travail au sein des unités de soins dans un Centre hospitalier universitaire Mère-enfant : Impact sur les soins infirmers évalué par des indicateurs de résultats [Strategic Reorganization of Work in Care Units in a Mother-Child Hospital: Impact on Nursing Care Assessed Through Outcomes Indicators]

Jocelyne Sauvé, Directrice, Direction de santé publique, Agence de développement de réseaux locaux de services de santé et de services sociaux de la Montérégie – Québec
Project: L'identification et la mise en oeuvre de stratégies visant le développement des compétences requises par les leaders locaux aux fins de la réalisation des plans locaux de santé publique [Identification and Implementation of Strategies Designed to Develop the Skills Required by Local Leaders for Carrying Out Local Public Health Plans]

Andrea Seymour, Vice President Health Information and CIO, River Valley Health – New Brunswick
Project: Advancing Employee Engagement through the Implementation of a Healthy Workplace Strategy

Carl Taillon, Directeur, Direction des services professionnels, Centre hospitalier universitaire de Québec/Hôpital Saint-François d'Assise – Québec
Project: Mise en place d'un programme de gestion de l'exercice professionnel devant conduire à l'introduction d'un plan de pratique à partir de nouveaux paradigmes de gestion [Implementation of a Management Program for Professional Practice Leading to Introduction of a Plan of Practice Based on New Management Paradigms]

Gaetan Tardif, Vice-President & Physician in Chief, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute – Ontario
Project: Development of a Quality of Patient Care and Patient Safety Framework in a Rehabilitation Hospital

Annemarie Taylor, Director, Department of Quality, Safety & Risk Management, Children's & Women's Health Centre of B.C., Provincial Health Services Authority – British Columbia
Project: Implementation of a Province-Wide Electronic Safety Reporting System to Help Create a Culture of Safety

Dylan Taylor, Site Medical Director, University of Alberta Hospital/Stollery Children's Hospital, Capital Health – Alberta
Project: Integration of Evidence-Based Best Practice in Ambulatory Care Into the Operations of a Large, Tertiary-Level Academic Hospital Within a Large Health Region

Bonnie Urquhart, Director of Financial Planning and Analysis, Department of Finance, Northern Health Authority – British Columbia
Project: Clinical Information System – A Tool for Organizational Change Management

Debra Vanance, Community Area Director, River East & Transcona, Department of Community Services, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority & Manitoba Family Services and Housing – Manitoba
Project: Primary Care Reform – A Systems Approach