2006 EXTRA Improvement Projects

The EXTRA advisory council, chaired by the former Quebec minister of health and social services Dr. Jean Rochon, met on April 27 and 28, 2006 to evaluate the applications received for the competition. Twenty-six fellowships were awarded, including two additional fellowships to nurse leaders in Ontario, thanks to funding from the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care's Nursing Secretariat.

The 2006 fellows are listed in alphabetical order, and the list includes the title of their intervention projects. These projects provide an opportunity for fellows to actively apply what they have learned in the EXTRA program in response to a specific issue in their home organizations.

Luce Beauregard, Adjointe au directeur général, Centre de santé et de services sociaux d'Ahuntsic et Montréal-Nord - Quebec
Project: Implementing a Strategic Decision-making Process in an Ethical Context

Philippe Benoit, Directeur, Direction planification et developpement de la main-d'oeuvre, Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de la Montérégie - Quebec
Project: Using Evidence on Best Practices in Human Resources Management to Transform Service Delivery by the Agency to Make it a Pole for Innovation and Knowledge Transfer to Institutions

Trish Bergal, Regional Director Utilization, Nursing, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority - Manitoba
Project: Creating Change in Hospital Utilization: Combining Knowledge Research with Clinical Decision Support Systems

Raj Bhatla, Associate Chief, Psychiatry, Royal Ottawa Health Care Group - Ontario
Project: Implementation of Wait-time Management for Tertiary Mental Health Services

Bette Boechler, General Manager, Maternal and Children's Health, Hospital Services, Saskatoon Health Region - Saskatchewan
Project: Changing Practice: Building a Culture of Patient Safety in a New Maternal and Children's Hospital

Faith Boutcher, Director, Professional Practice, North York General Hospital - Ontario
Project: Integrating Health Professionals into New Models of Interprofessional Care Delivery

Inta Bregzis, Director, Quality & Risk Management, Quality & Risk Management Division, Community Care Access Centre of Waterloo Region - Ontario
Project: Evolving CCAC's from Statutory Corporations to Community-based Governance - Planning/Managing Change

Ward Flemons, Vice President, Quality, Safety & Health Information, Calgary Health Region - Alberta
Project: Improving Patient Flow Through a Tertiary Care Emergency Department

Patrick Gaskin, Executive Vice President & VP, Regional Cancer Services, Administration, Grand River Hospital - Ontario
Project: Implementing an Access Management System in an Acute Care Hospital

Geoffrey Johnston, Professor, Surgery, Orthopaedic Surgery, Royal University Hospital, University of Saskatchewan - Saskatchewan
Project: Development of a Leadership Model Integrating Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) into Surgical Total Quality Management (TQM)

John Knoch, Executive Director, Clinical Support Services, David Thompson Health Region - Alberta
Project: Leadership Collaboration: Applying the Co-management Model for Evidence-based Change

France Laframboise, Directrice de la qualité des soins et des services, Centre de santé et de services sociaux des Sommets - Quebec
Project: The Challenges of Chronic Conditions: Integrated, Intensified Clinical Monitoring of Target Client Groups

Suzanne Lanctôt, Associate Director, Nursing, McGill University Health Centre - Quebec
Project: The Implementation of the Role of Nurse Practitioner in Cardiac Surgery

Chantal Lapointe, Directrice générale, Centre de santé et de services sociaux Jeanne Mance - Quebec
Project: Preparing for Integration of a 300-bed Hospital into CSSS Jeanne Mance so Everyone Feels Like a Winner

Virgil Luca, Chef, Service de médecine et adjoint, Direction des services professionnels, Centre de réadaption Lucie-Bruneau - Quebec
Project: Developing a Conceptual Framework for Resource Allocation in a Rehabilitation Centre

Diane Lyonnais, Directrice des services de première ligne, Services généraux et santé publique, Centre de santé et de services sociaux Vaudreuil-Soulanges - Quebec
Project: Use of Evidence in Organization of Healthcare Services by Players in a Local Services Network (LSN) to Develop a Clinical Project

Yves Masse, Directeur général adjoint, Direction générale, Centre hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal - Quebec
Project: A Model for Operating Service Corridors in an Integrated University Healthcare Network

Sue McCutcheon, Vice-President, Clinical services - rural care, Grey Bruce Health Services - Ontario
Project: Building Sustainable Nursing Resources for Small Hospitals

Louise Patrick, Director, Quality, Utilization & Risk Management, SCO Health Service - Ontario
Project: Establishing a Blueprint for a Clinical and Corporate Decision Support Infrastructure

Elaine Rankin, Primary Care Coordinator, Population Health and Research, Cape Breton District Health Authority - Nova Scotia
Project: Prevention: Building Provider and Community Capacity for Change

Nancy Roberts, Vice President, Planning & Professional Services, South-East Regional Health Authority – New Brunswick
Project: Enhancing the Use of Evidence for Health Human Resource Allocation

Frédérick Ross, Directeur programmes personnes âgées et des soins infirmiers, Centre de santé et de services sociaux de la Côte de Gaspé - Quebec
Project: Implementing an Integrated Services Network for Elderly People

Mary Russell, Director, Community Health, Capital Health District Authority - Nova Scotia
Project: Identifying and Utilizing a Core Set of Community Health Indicators to Guide Healthcare Decision-Making

Nancy Savage, Vice President, Patient Programs, Atlantic Health Sciences Corporation - New Brunswick
Project: Development and Implementation of a Succession Plan for Nursing Leadership

Dan Skwarchuk, Administrative Program Director, Manitoba Renal Program, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority - Manitoba
Project: Improving Home Dialysis Utilization in Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario

Jodi Younger, Operational Service Manager, Mental Health & Addictions Program, St. Joseph's Health Care - Ontario
Project: Development and Implementation of the Treatment and Outcome Report and PlanÂ