Program overview :
Promising practices for improving access to primary care in northern, rural and remote communities
Healthcare teams across Canada are enhancing access to safe, team-based primary care in northern, rural and remote communities.
The Strengthening Primary Care program supported 20 teams across the country to advance innovative practices to improve access to primary care to meet the distinct needs and goals of their communities, patients and providers, while also sharing and learning with others across Canada. Newfoundland and Labrador Health Services, one of the teams, advanced five unique promising practices to respond to the needs of people and providers throughout their province.
This series is for healthcare leaders, providers, policymakers, and community partners looking to consider how to adapt and apply evidence-informed solutions in their own settings.
Join us in this two-part webinar series to learn about some of the promising practices that have improved access to team-based primary care in their communities.
We’ll discuss:
- Details about the practices, including evaluation and impacts
- Key success factors and lessons learned to support implementation, sustainability and spread.
- Common and unique strategies the teams used to embed community, health workforce and Indigenous partnerships into their practices.
- Ways the practices could be adapted and applied elsewhere.
Part 1: March 19, 2025, 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET
- Larry K. Bremner (Métis), Partner, Proactive Information Services Inc. and program coach
- Linda E. Lee, Partner, Proactive Information Services Inc. and program coach
- Janine van den Heuvel, Chief Executive Officer, Algonquin Family Health Team
- Maya Nakajima, Government of Nunavut  
- Jessica Brennan, Regional Manager, Conception Bay North, Placentia & Whitbourne, NL Health Services
Colleen Ferris, Director, Innovations and Strategic Development, ÈÕ±¾ÎÞÂë
Part 2: March 27, 2025, 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. ET
- Larry K. Bremner (Métis), Partner, Proactive Information Services Inc. and program coach
- Linda E. Lee, Partner, Proactive Information Services Inc. and program coach
- Isabelle Gaboury PhD, Professor, Université de Sherbrooke 
- Dr. Jonathan Fitzsimon, Medical Lead, Integrated Virtual Care
- Frederic Lemieux, Assistant Director of Professional Service and Quality Assurance-Health, Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay
- Jennifer Major, Senior Program Lead, Innovations and Strategic Development, ÈÕ±¾ÎÞÂë