Traumatismes subis par les patients : Références
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Baker GR, Norton P. Patient safety and healthcare error in the Canadian healthcare system: A systematic review and analysis of leading practices in Canada with reference to key initiatives elsewhere.ÌýA Report to Health Canada. Ottawa: Health Canada; 2002.Ìý
Data snapshot: Iatrogenic burn injuries.ÌýPennsylvania Patient Safety Advisory. 2009; 6 (1): 36.Ìý
ECRI Institute.ÌýSurgical fire resources. 2016.Ìý
European Union Network for Patient Safety.ÌýVaseline and treatment with oxygen. EUNetPas Share, Learn, and Exchange System (SEaL); 2010.Ìý
Ganz DA, Huang C, Saliba D, et al.ÌýPreventing Falls in Hospitals. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.Ìý. Published January 2013. Updated July 2018.
Healthcare Insurance Reciprocal of Canada (HIROC). Risk Reference Sheets.ÌýPatient FallsÌý(2016).Ìý
Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI).ÌýHow-to Guide: Prevent harm from high-alert medications. Cambridge, MA; IHI: 2012. Ìý
L'Institut canadien pour la sécurité des patients. Les évènements qui ne devraient jamais arriver dans les soins hospitaliers au Canada. Edmonton, Alberta; 2015.
L'Institut canadien pour la sécurité des patients.ÌýDes soins de santé plus sécuritaires maintenant!ÌýTrousse de départ: Prévention des chutes et des blessures causes par les chutes. Edmonton, Alberta; 2013.Ìý
L'Institut canadien pour la sécurité des patients.ÌýGarder le point de vue du patientÌýáÌýl'esprit lors de la prestation de soins.ÌýEdmonton, Alberta; 2013.
Japan Council for Quality Health Care. Burn caused by a bed-bath towel.ÌýMedical Safety Information. 2010; 46.Ìý
Japan Council for Quality Health Care. Burn during assisted bathing.ÌýMedical Safety Information. 2007; 5.Ìý
Japan Council for Quality Health Care. Burns caused by the tip of a light source cable during surgery.ÌýMedical Safety Information. 2012; 70.Ìý
Johal KS, Boulton C, Moran CG. Hip fractures after falls in hospital: A retrospective observational cohort study.ÌýInjury.Ìý2009; 40 (2): 201-204. doi: 10.1016/j.injury.2008.06.036.
L'Agence de la sante publique du Canada.ÌýChutes chez les aînés au CanadaÌý: deuxième rapport.ÌýOttawa, ON: L'Agence de la sante publique du Canada.; 2014.Ìý
L'Organisation de normes en santé, l'Institut canadien d'information sur la santé (ICIS) et l'Institut canadien pour la sécurité des patients (ICSP).ÌýPrévention des chutes : des données probantes à l'amélioration des soins de santé au Canada. Ottawa, ON: CIHI; 2014.
Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 8th edition. (2009). Consulté le 9 mars 2016 surÌý
National Health Service (NHS) Commissioning Board.ÌýRisk of skin-prep related fire in operating theatres. 2012; Reference No. 1329.Ìý
New South Wales Department of Health. Nettoyants pour la mains à base d'alcool et risque d'incendie.ÌýRenseignements de sécurité. 2007. 001/07.Ìý
NHS.ÌýPatient safety alert: Risk of death from asphyxiation by accidental ingestion of fluid/food thickening powder. 2015.Ìý
Oliver D, Healey F, Haines TP. Preventing falls and fall-related injuries in hospitals.ÌýClin Geriatr Med. 2010; 26 (4): 645-692. doi: 10.1016/j.cger.2010.06.005.
Patient Safety Solutions. Iatrogenic burns.ÌýPatient Safety Tip of the Week. 2010, June 1.Ìý
Pazanin l, Misak VB, Goreta, N, Marekovic Z, Petrovecki V. Iatrogenic tracheal laceration causing asphyxia.ÌýJ Forensic Sci. 2008; 53 (5): 1185-1187. doi: 10.1111/j.1556-4029.2008.00827.x.
Royal College of Physicians Ìý(Royaume-Uni).ÌýWhy FallSafe?ÌýCare bundles to reduce inpatient falls. London: Royal College of Physicians; 2015.Ìý
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration.ÌýSafety Concerns about Bed Rails. 2018.Ìý

Traumatismes subis par les patients